World Cinema , I’ve Seen . . so far

150] Maudie , 2017 [ Canada / Ireland ]

Me : 8.5Show me how you see the world.

A window. I love a window. A bird, whizzin’ by. Bumblebee.

149] Darkest Hour , 2017 [ England ]

Me : 8Will you stop interrupting me while I am interrupting you!

Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.

148] Thelma , 2017 [ Norway ]

Me : 8.5 | Why can’t I just be who I am? Why isn’t that possible?

147] Blade of the Immortal , 2017 [ Japan ]

Me : 8 to 8.5 |

Rin Asano: Forgive me, brother.

Manji: That’sBig Brother“, stupid!

146] Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets , 2017 [ France ]

Me : 7 to 7.5I leave you my Kingdom, take good care of it.

તમે શું માનો છો ? જરા કહેશો . . !